I will do timeless business or startup or technology logo in 24hrs

CREATED 6 months ago

Will deliver in 1 Day Save


I'm a professional logo designer with over 5 years of experience. I specialize in creating design that are both visually appealing and timeless. I believe that a great logo should be more than just a pretty picture. It should be a powerful symbol that represents your brand and helps you achieve your business goals.

I take the time to understand your business, your goals, and your target audience. I want to create a design that reflects your unique personality and that will help you stand out from the competition.

I offer a variety of services, including:

  • Logo concepts
  • Custom illustrations
  • Color palettes
  • Typography
  • Brand guidelines
  • Brand website

Benefits of working with me:

  • Professional design
  • Responsive to feedback
  • Variety of payment options
  • Satisfaction Guarantee

Guarantee points:

  • Unique and original creativity
  • High-quality and professional design
  • On-brand and consistent design
  • On-time and within budget

Let's chat and see what we can create together!

Keywords: timeless logo, business logo, startup logo, technology logo, visual appeal, brand identity

Requirements from user

1. **Company Information:**
   - Full company name
   - Tagline (if applicable)
   - Industry or sector
   - Brief overview of the company's products or services

2. **Brand Identity:**
   - Brand values and mission
   - Unique selling points
   - Target audience and demographics
   - Desired brand personality (e.g., professional, friendly, innovative)

3. **Design Preferences:**
   - Logo style (e.g., wordmark, lettermark, emblem, abstract)
   - Preferred color palette
   - Specific colors to include or avoid
   - Examples of existing logos the client likes or dislikes
   - Font preferences (if applicable)

4. **Symbols or Imagery:**
   - Any specific symbols, icons, or imagery the client wants to include
   - Meaning behind symbols (if any)

5. **Competitor Analysis:**
   - Examples of competitors' logos
   - Elements the client likes or dislikes in competitor logos
   - How the client's logo should stand out from competitors

6. **Intended Use:**
   - Where the logo will be primarily used (e.g., website, business cards, signage)
   - Any specific size requirements or constraints

7. **Legal and Technical Considerations:**
   - Trademarks or existing logo designs
   - Ownership rights and usage permissions for the final logo
   - File format preferences (e.g., vector formats for scalability)
   - Any printing considerations for physical materials

8. **Timeline and Budget:**
   - Deadline for the completion of the logo design
   - Budget constraints or considerations

9. **Feedback and Revisions:**
   - Number of design concepts to be presented
   - Number of revisions included in the project
   - Preferred process for providing feedback

10. **Delivery and Communication:**
    - Preferred file formats for the final logo delivery
    - Communication preferences (e.g., email, meetings, collaborative tools)
    - Point of contact for the duration of the project

11. **Inspiration and References:**
    - Any specific visual inspirations outside of logos (e.g., artwork, photographs)
    - References to specific design elements the client admires

12. **Brand Guidelines (if available):**
    - Existing brand guidelines, if any, that need to be adhered to